"Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come."
Alternate Website Access:
The People's Rights System (the website) has been under fierce “legal” attack during the last few months by those who do not like their actions being brought into view of the public eye. However, the system is still alive, strong and well. Please use www.PeoplesRights.WS to access the site. Your login and the functionality is all still the same as it was before. Read below for the gory details.
The People's Rights System (the website) has been under fierce “legal” attack during the last few months by those who do not like their actions being brought into view of the public eye. However, the system is still alive, strong and well. Please use www.PeoplesRights.WS to access the site. Your login and the functionality is all still the same as it was before. Read below for the gory details.
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